Kadosh Ekklesia is committed to be a bible teaching, Christian apologetic and resource ministry, leading mankind to the atoning, redemptive and sanctifying work of Jesus Christ. For the development of circumspect, Spirit filled believers, in copacetic union with the God of the Bible, characterized by His Pure Love.
Our Ministries
For More Information, please visit our KE-Virtual Ministries Events Page
The Sunshine Band
The Sunshine Band is an auxiliary which teaches children from ages 3 to 11. Our teachers are volunteers, have demonstrated salvation, integrity and holy living. They are also properly screened and trained in order to work with youth and children.
The mission of the Sunshine Band is to reach out to children in the community and offer an opportunity for them to receive salvation in their productive years. We desire to build a partnership between the home, the school, and the church in order to provide a biblical foundation for each child by building character, faith, and esteem in scripture.
Virtual T.O.T'S -
Truth On Thursdays
for the Sunshine Band
& Purity Class
The Purity Class is an auxiliary which teaches youth from ages 12 to 19. Our teachers are volunteers, have demonstrated salvation, integrity and holy living. They are also properly screened and trained in order to work with youth and children.
Purity is a Ministry. Its mission is to reach young people by exhorting Biblical principles of Jesus Christ and providing instructions for them to cultivate Christian virtue, integrity, social graces and abstinence while preparing them to lead with dignity and high moral codes.
P - Purity
U - Unity
R- Righteousness
I - Intelligence
T- Truthfulness
Y- Youthfulness
C - Christianity
L - Loveliness
A- Associates
S - Sobriety
S- Salvation
Truth Tuesday:
Prayer & Bible Band
The mission of Truth Tuesday: Prayer & Bible Band is to encourage individuals and families to build their spiritual lives through the study of God’s Word, combined with prayer, with the expectation that following the instructions given in the Word, they will be able to lead others to Christ.
Men's Ministry
Kadosh Men of Distinction (K-MOD):
Ministry Leader:
Pastor Lance Anderson
Kadosh (Holy) Men of Distinction (K-M.O.D) is purposed to empower male leadership in the church, home and the community. The focus is to lead men to repentance of past transgressions, acceptance of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross, and sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost.
Monthly sessions on Mondays
K-MOD with Pastor Lance
Annual Women's Empowerment Service
Monthly Sessions W.O.W.W
Words of Wisdom Wednesday with
Lady Dennette
Women's Ministry
Kadosh Women of Distinction (K-WOD): Ministry Leader:
Lady Dennette Anderson
Kadosh (Holy) Women of Distinction (K-W.O.D) is designed to minister to young, mature, married or single women. We encourage holy living and dedication to Christian service in the church and community. K-WOD addresses numerous concerns of women which may include: awaiting marriage, singleness, home building, meal planning, parenting, child care and development, understanding teenagers, marital issues, etc.
We mentor and disciple younger women, enabling them to establish and maintain Godly standards in church behavior, community relationships, home building, child development, self-improvement, and thus become soul winners.
Music Ministry
The music ministry is composed of gifted musicians and singers, whose ministry is akin to the prophet and psalmist Asaph (Psalms 50 and 73—83), who uttered musical praise to the Lord and communicated the word of God, through song.
New Members Class
Christian Education
An orientation developed for the transition of new converts of salvation and members joining Kadosh Ekklesia. The sessions will focus on the doctrine, organization and polity of Kadosh Ekklesia.